...there's always something to share... i'm sharing the stories of my journey in life... for myself to remember, to appreciate and to miss in the future...

Birthday Party...

On sunday, we all sefamily telah dijemput ke besday party by my dear friend Shereen... Of cos aku tak boleh nak tolak bila dia jemput aku kan... Sah2 dia tu salah sorang kawan baik aku kat sini... Bukan senang nak dpt sahabat yg ikhlas menerima kita seadanya zaman skarang ni... ;-)

Happy Birthday Zayyana!! Look at her... Isnt she adorable!! Tengokla anak sape kan... Mak nyer pun comel lote... Hehehehe... She has just turned 5y.o. yesterday (sunday) and the white Hello Kitty that we bought the other day was for this sweetie pie!

She loves horse riding so much hence the birthday cake! Special request tau... Mentang2 la maknyer terror buat cake.. So request jelah... Korang impress tak tengok birthday cake tu? Well... Wait until u see the next one...

Tadaaaa.... How about this one? Awesome right! Home made cake tau! Tak jumpa kat any bakery in CPH... Kalau ada pun tataula how much it would cost!

But this cake is definitely priceless! Specially and uniquely made for someone special too... Cuba teka utk sape cake yang superb tu....

It's made for Aydin, the birthday boy... Little man with big appetite! Tu gelaran aku kat dia sebab Aydin ni makan memang tak reti stop... Mulut sentiasa mengunyah tapi badan slim jer... Terkenan mak nyer jugak la ni! Hehehehehehe....

Aydin is Shereen's youngest child... He turned 2y.o. last sunday... Exactly a week after his second sister, Zayyana and 2 weeks after his mom, Shereen... Bagus betul timing dorang sambut besday kan, one week after another... Senang nak ingat! ;-)

almost everybody yg dtg ke party semalam hadiahkan 'Buzz' kat Aydin since He loves Buzz Lightyear so much... Obviously! Hehehhee... Kitorang pun belikan dia playmobile Toy Story yang ada pakcik Buzz berpusing2 bila tekan button... Comel jer aku tengok Aydin dok atas tu sambil tersengih2! He's soooo cute!!! Macam anak mat saleh tau dengan rambut curly dia tu! Rasa nak geget2 aje!

Btw.. The party went great same like the weather! It was a fantastic sunny day!! Tu yang mood ceria jer memasing esp the kiddos! Bebudak biasalah hepi berlari sana sini.. Mak pak pun hepi to catch up with one another... I myself made few new friends... From diff countries and cultures... But, we get along just well! ;-)

One thing yang aku impressed betul ngan Shereen ni kan, dia bukan jer creative buat kek... Masak pun terror! Dia ni memang dikurniakan dengan macam2 kelebihan laa... Apa jer yang dia buat kompem menjadi... Dia selalu ckp kat aku yang hidup ni kena sentiasa positif so semua benda will turn out good! InsyaAllah!

She is really a SuperMOM! Bayangkan dia handle everything on her own... Husband dia tak tolong pun... Tapi tak penah pun dia mengeluh... Muka senyum manjang plak tuh! Ishhh kagum kagum! Dari ceruk mana dia dpt energy pun tatau...

Nampak gaya aku kena korek2 rahsia dari dia ni! Esp tang awet muda and body yang mantop walaupun dah beranak 4!! Tapi aku tanak la beranak sampai 4 yeak... Production line is closed! Hohoho... Honestly, I dont think i can handle myself with more than 2 kids! I'll be a retard MOM! Hehehehe...

~ tenkiu so much Shereen! We truly enjoyed ourselves at the party!

- adie-apai's on mobile

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