...there's always something to share... i'm sharing the stories of my journey in life... for myself to remember, to appreciate and to miss in the future...

Gudbye CPH!

Aku bersiaran secara langsung dr dalam perut kapal tobang...

Owh yeszaaa... Kami akan meninggalkan bumi CPH... Tapi bukan for good... Masih sayang lagi nak meninggalkan CPH for good.... Not so soon perhaps! ;-)

We'll be away for a short trip...

And we'll be back soon...

Di manakah destinasinya... Tungguuuuu... ;-)

Take care peeps!

- adie-apai's on mobile

1 *amigos*:

chiko said...

Alaaaa... berahsia plak. ni kira short trip sempena besday baybee tuan besor ke??

btw, dah lama giler aku tak komen kat blog ko ni since dah berfb ni. hehehe

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