...there's always something to share... i'm sharing the stories of my journey in life... for myself to remember, to appreciate and to miss in the future...

Thank You!

Semalam aku dpt email from Aida, 1B's room parent... Email reminder to all parents pasal year end gift to the teacher... Kalau korang nak tau lebih lanjut baca jek la email yg aku copy-pasted kat bawah ni haaa...
Dear parents,

We are requesting that the children present a thankyou book to Ms Bellmore. We would like you to get your child to write / draw on a piece of A4 paper something to say thankyou - either a drawing, song, poem, story, photo etc. It is up to you and your child what you'd like to do. Please return the A4 page to Rian or I before the 15th of June so that we can collate them.

Best Regards,
Rian and Aida
So, setelah mendapat perutusan rasmi tu, apalagasss... Terpaksalah kukerah tenaga zahir dan batin anak bujang aku tu... Bengkek je ati dia kena tutup tv and concerntrate dengan kerja yang disuruh... Sebelum tu kena gak bagi explanation panjang lebar... Anak aku ni kan 'curious aiman'! Bila disuruh buat satu benda, macam2 soalan dia tanya kat aku! Adoi!

Akhirnya tu lah sentuhan creativity aiman setelah berpenat lelah dia dok berebut color pencils dengan alyssa... Si mem kecik tu kan tak reti dok diam... Dah kalau namanya alyssa tu, memang kompem dia pun sama seboklah nak jugak buat apa yang abang dia buat...

~ gud job aiman altho mommy tak paham sgt apa yang aiman explain about the stories behind all those pics! Muahahaha... Sengal mak dia nih!

- adie-apai's on mobile

0 *amigos*:

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