...there's always something to share... i'm sharing the stories of my journey in life... for myself to remember, to appreciate and to miss in the future...

1st day...

Based on my experience... 1st day of skul was never easy for me... And i must say it's not easy for both aiman and alyssa too! Why la ek! Why? Why?

This morning, both of them bukan main liat sungguh nak bangun pagi especially alyssa... She was a bit cranky and refused to take her shower! Berdrama bagai nak rak pagi tadi! Kalau tayang kat tv3 sure malatopss!!

Nasib baik jugakla aiman tu dah independant and he can manage himself without needing much supervision from us... Tapi pagi tadi adalah sikit terkehel gak aku ngan mamat ni.... Like i said... 1st day of skul... Too much drama!

Lagik dramatic bila alyssa's backpack tertinggal kat rumah! None of us happened to notice that the bag was left behind until she asked for milk! Dah la dalam tu ada lunch box dia... Adoiii!!

Nak tak nak aku kena gakla patah balik ke rumah after we dropped off Tuan Beso at his office... Luckily i had more than enough time to do so... Otherwise both the kiddos would be late to skul.... on the 1st day of skul after the easter hols plak tuh... Wat malu den ajo! Hiks!

Otw tuh dedua budak kecik ni dah sangap berapa juta ribu kali pun aku tatau laaa... Nak kata dorang tu tido lewat idok la pulok! Ape kes dok tersengguk2 cam burung belatuk pun aku tatau laaa... Both of them terlentok dalam keta sikit punya syiok aku tengok...

Aku kejutkan aiman a few mins before 8.30 am... Tu pun dia mamai2 lagik... Alyssa plak jgn cakap laaa.... Aku terpaksa relax kat parking tu about 20 mins, nak bagi can dia tido lebih sket... Selalunya before 9 am aku dah send her off tapi tadi jejak kol 9.15 am gaklaa...

Hmmm..... Ni baru jer seminggu lebih sket skolah tutup... Summer hols nanti cuti sah2 panjang giler... Kompem memang lagik bersimpul la urat anak2 aku nampaknya.... Huhuhu...

- adie-apai's on mobile

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